Sugar is not sexy

I honestly feel like I could blog about this topic all day, and what topic might that be you ask? SUGAR. S-U-G-A-R, sugar!

Sugar is everywhere it’s added to everything, and we as Americans just can’t get enough. Unfortunately for us sugar consumption is being linked to: 

  • Obesity
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Heart disease

The majority of these diseases are preventable. Sugar is hiding out in yogurt, sauces, bread, even your peanut butter. Americans consume about 130 pounds of sugar a year, that’s 1/3 of a pound a day. There is something wrong with this picture, don’t you think? And if your label doesn’t say sugar but says “high fructose corn syrup” instead, it’s the same thing! 

Fructose is what occurs naturally in sugar; high fructose corn syrup is a man made substance that keeps processed foods we buy good for like 100 years. Fructose is what’s sweet and makes things taste irresistible. It’s crucial to read the ingredients on the back label of everything you buy. There are hidden excess sugars in things you would never dream. 

Fruit makes for such a delightful sweet treat, and yes fruit contains sugar, naturally. You see, the fruit is filled with fiber which slows the absorption and consumption of the sugar by the body. When you eat refined sugar your body goes into over drive releasing insulin (THE FAT STORAGE HORMONE) and your body does just that, stores fat. You’re not fooling your jeans that still won’t button because you got the reduced sugar Oreos. Sugar is sugar and there is no regulation on your packaging that indicates what percentage of the sugar content corresponds to the daily suggested value. If you don’t believe me, flip over anything and see for yourself. 

A lot of us are totally unaware and are leaving it up to the food corporations to not put things on the grocery shelves that would cause us harm or make us fat. Sadly enough, that’s not the case. Sugar is a nasty culprit in so many heart breaking PREVENTABLE diseases right now. 

My advice is to be smart read your food labels, try to buy whole foods and cook as much as possible. And limit your sugar intake to as minimal as possible. Is the risk of heart disease worth a box of Bonbons? Sugar is no longer cute cool or sexy, it’s so last year.


P.S. If you are finally ready to understand your cravings and kick bad habits including sugar, or ready to lose the weight that just won’t go away, but do it the natural way. Email me for a free health consultation here. 

Thank you so much for reading, until next time I’m sending you so much love!


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