Skinny strawberry banana soft serve

Another reason why summer is so fabulous; because you can eat soft serve anytime of day and it’s totally acceptable. Especially this skinny guilt free strawberry banana soft serve, which has no sugar, no dairy, and it’s totally delicious! 



5 effective ways to lose weight

It’s summer, and lets face it, we are all going to be wearing smaller clothing. Here are a few quick tips to take you into your weekend that help with natural weight loss! I am not a fan of dieting, nor do I recommend it to any of my clients. 

  • Snacks- Veggies and hummus to the rescue! This snack alternative satisfies the salty and crunchy desire one may get from a bag of chips. Veggies and hummus are packed with nutrients which make you feel fuller faster and longer, thanks to the high fiber and water content of the vegetables. A very cool refreshing crunchy snack! Read your hummus labels and avoid ones that have 100 ingredients.

  • Water – This is a no brainer, but I’m always surprised when a client confesses to me that they barely drink water! Ladies, water is a total necessity obviously, but it totally plays a role in shedding excess poundage. Studies show that people who drink water before each meal  eat less calories. Dehydration can cause your metabolism to drop which can also interfere with weight loss. Sometimes we confuse hunger with thirst. Lately I’ve been cutting up fruit or tossing in a few berries to my water and it’s simply delightful; it helps the medicine go down.

  • Breakfast- I haven’t always been a breakfast kind of gal. I was more of a 2 cups of coffee till noon girl, which left me irritable and bitchy all morning. Eat something nutritious for breakfast, stay away from processed carb overload. This meal jump-starts your day and gives you energy, here’s a link to my favorite energizing breakfast.

  • Sweets- Sugar is so last year. Get the tempting foods out of your house, like yesterday! But don’t worry a girl should never go without dessert, so if you’re really craving something sweet try this peanut butter banana ice cream. It’s to die! Like seriously drool, there’s no sugar, and no dairy involved! When did eating a vegan dessert become so fabulous?

  • Exercise- There’s nothing more tortuous than spending 45 minutes on the eliptical sweating your butt off, unless you’re into that, then I applaud you. I just don’t have that kinda time or patience. If you want quick instant fat burning cardio then intervals is where it’s at. Doing 12-15 minutes of intense intervals before you do your toning and firming exercises with light weights is all you need. I’m so obsessed with intervals they’ve changed my workout results drastically. Experiment with intervals, and thank me later 🙂






If you’re wanting to lose the excess weight that’s been hanging on since last year, or maybe you need support and guidance when it comes to shopping for and cooking healthy foods, then contact me today to schedule your complimentary session. I only have 2 coaching session spots open for July! 


Kelp Noodle Spring Rolls

Ok first off lets just all say hallelujah it’s finally hot on the east coast! With the glorious heat comes the desire to eat cooler refreshing foods. Do not fear I have got you covered, these kelp noodle spring rolls are so freaking good, you’ll think twice about ever eating out again. Annnd I made my own peanut dipping sauce, sugar free, unlike a lot of store and restaurant brands! 

True to my health coach form, I must break down the nutritional #win you will be getting from these beauties. 

These spring rolls are vegan, sugar-free and gluten-free. Kelp noodles are a totally rad alternative to pasta or any other noodles. They have 1g of carbs which is nothing, no sugar, super low in fat, like there is literally ZERO fat. They taste great and are very versatile. Kelp noodles are a sea vegetable, which means they are AMAZING for you. Kelp is rich in more than 70 minerals, which include magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, and iodine. Kelp also contains vitamins, enzymes, trace elements, and more than 21 amino acids. At 6 calories a serving, I’ll have seconds please! 

Kombucha. Drinking bacteria #sohotrightnow

Being the health and wellness guru that I am, I love to try and experiment with all sorts of foods and natural beauty remedies, so when it came to drinking bacteria for gut health it’s obvi that I was totally on board. Your gut is the foundation for your immune system and it happily welcomes the good bacteria that kombucha brings.

Kombucha has been around for centuries but has recently grown popular here in the west for its glorious claims of health benefits. I personally like it because it’s known for the good bacteria aka “probiotics”, which means it’s good for our gut! I know a sentence that uses “bacteria, good, and gut” doesn’t sound sexy, but trust me, it totally is. The majority of our immune system hangs out in our gut and when we’re feeding it good bacteria it keeps it performing at tiptop shape! Helping our hot bods to fight infection and keep us from getting sick. It basically helps give our bodies what they need to help heal themselves. The body is such a magnificent vessel and if having a few sips of bacteria once in awhile boosts your immune system, then I don’t mind if I do! Oh, and did I mention it contains antioxidants!

Kombucha is a fermented tea, often times referred to as mushroom tea that has been said to: aid in sleep, digestion, weight loss and detoxification, stimulates the immune system, prevents cancer, stops hair loss, and improves liver function.(Kombucha is very high in Glucaric acid. Recent studies have shown that glucaric acid may help prevent cancer.)

Kale, what the heck is the big deal?

Like really though, is kale all it’s cracked up to be? It seems like everywhere you look someones either drinking it or eating it, but is it really that awesome? Please watch video below for light comic relief purposes only, and then proceed to find out why kale really is the (yes, I just used that phrase). 

Sugar is not sexy

I honestly feel like I could blog about this topic all day, and what topic might that be you ask? SUGAR. S-U-G-A-R, sugar!

Sugar is everywhere it’s added to everything, and we as Americans just can’t get enough. Unfortunately for us sugar consumption is being linked to: 

  • Obesity
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Heart disease

The majority of these diseases are preventable. Sugar is hiding out in yogurt, sauces, bread, even your peanut butter. Americans consume about 130 pounds of sugar a year, that’s 1/3 of a pound a day. There is something wrong with this picture, don’t you think? And if your label doesn’t say sugar but says “high fructose corn syrup” instead, it’s the same thing! 

Fructose is what occurs naturally in sugar; high fructose corn syrup is a man made substance that keeps processed foods we buy good for like 100 years. Fructose is what’s sweet and makes things taste irresistible. It’s crucial to read the ingredients on the back label of everything you buy. There are hidden excess sugars in things you would never dream. 

Fruit makes for such a delightful sweet treat, and yes fruit contains sugar, naturally. You see, the fruit is filled with fiber which slows the absorption and consumption of the sugar by the body. When you eat refined sugar your body goes into over drive releasing insulin (THE FAT STORAGE HORMONE) and your body does just that, stores fat. You’re not fooling your jeans that still won’t button because you got the reduced sugar Oreos. Sugar is sugar and there is no regulation on your packaging that indicates what percentage of the sugar content corresponds to the daily suggested value. If you don’t believe me, flip over anything and see for yourself. 

A lot of us are totally unaware and are leaving it up to the food corporations to not put things on the grocery shelves that would cause us harm or make us fat. Sadly enough, that’s not the case. Sugar is a nasty culprit in so many heart breaking PREVENTABLE diseases right now. 

My advice is to be smart read your food labels, try to buy whole foods and cook as much as possible. And limit your sugar intake to as minimal as possible. Is the risk of heart disease worth a box of Bonbons? Sugar is no longer cute cool or sexy, it’s so last year.


P.S. If you are finally ready to understand your cravings and kick bad habits including sugar, or ready to lose the weight that just won’t go away, but do it the natural way. Email me for a free health consultation here. 

Thank you so much for reading, until next time I’m sending you so much love!


What’s really in your peanut butter/Plus DIY peanut butter

Peanut butter is delicious, nutritious, and high in protein, but do you really know what’s inside? I do, but I was shocked to find in the “organic” section of my grocery store anything but, organic. Sure they had organic peanuts, but were the hydrogenated oils and added sugars “organic” as well? Don’t be fooled by labeling, just because it says something on the front, still read the back.

So many people see a familiar label (maybe it’s one they had as a kid) and just assume it’s good for them so they plop it in their grocery cart. No! Please stop here, have you actually turned the jar around and read the ingredients?

A Healthy Day At The Beach



I am so beyond excited that it’s finally warm on the east coast!!! Like so, so, so, excited! I am originally from the beautiful and sunny San Diego, CA so this east coast weather has really thrown me for a loop. A really freezing, I never want to see snow again, loop. Anyway, I packed up my fiance and my beach bag for a day in the sun. I wanted to share my favorite healthy go-to beach snacks!

  • Harmless harvest 100% all natural coconut water is super hydrating which is perfect when you are baking in the sun all day! Let’s not confuse dehydration for hunger and eat excess calories for no reason.
  • Pellegrino sparkling water for a fun bubbly treat, you can almost fool yourself into thinking it’s champagne, almost.
  • Lara bar in “apple pie” flavor is vegan, gluten free, soy free, it’s all natural ingredients! They are my absolute go-to snack for any occasion.
  • Aveeno lotion with SPF 15 really works miracles and totally hydrates and replenishes your skin while it’s protecting it from damaging rays.
  • Annnd my “blog inspo” notebook just in case I needed to write something down. 🙂

Is calling yourself “plant-based” the new black?



Is calling yourself a ‘vegan’ like wearing last year’s Fall line?


I like to think of myself as “up on the trends”, both in the wellness and fashion world, I mean what 2014 girl isn’t!?


So I was surprised when I read an article from one of my favorite wellness blogs, discussing whether we should be calling ourselves vegans or plant-based? I see the argument or reasoning rather, behind this new wave of “plant-based” vegans dabbling with a new identity.


Sometimes people are confused when you drop the V-word on them. And sometimes it’s a concept that is so mindblowingly crazy they can’t wrap their heads around it (those are the best convos). Some of my favorite responses when I tell people I’m Vegan:


Me- I’m vegan


Non-vegan- “But like you eat cheese though, right?”


Me- “Nope, not even cheese”


Non-vegan- “So you eat, like, salad then?”


Me- “Yes, me and the majority of the world eat salad, but I eat lots of other stuff too  🙂 “


Non-vegan- “Ya that sounds intense. I would never be able to do that.”


Me- “That’s ok, it’s not for everyone.”


The End.


But really though, does it truly matter if you call yourself plant-based or you call yourself a vegan? I mean I am proud to call myself either, and it’s unfortunate that there is a sometimes negative connotation around the word “vegan”, so we’re hiding behind plant-based. I feel that being vegan is a lifestyle choice, the same lifestyle as calling yourself plant-based .You don’t have to throw red paint on Kim K in a fur jacket to prove you’re more of a vegan than me. Both are playing for the same team, we are all equal and have a super awesome love for a plant-based lifestyle.


Just be proud of who you are and the lifestyle you live. You eat the most nutritious food that comes straight from the earth. You are healing and protecting your body from cancerous processed foods, and you probably have compassion for animals. In my mind there is nothing controversial about that. So call yourself whatever you like, as long as it makes you happy and not to appease someone else. And if you ever decide that eating a strict vegan diet isn’t right for your body any longer, then don’t be ashamed of that either.


How to stay healthy and sane throughout your day!

2013-07-29-KALE_original1 (1)


Morning: Always start your morning with something nutritious to eat. I recommend a green juice, if you aren’t a big breakfast eater. Drink your green juice on an empty stomach so you fully absorb all the nutrients!! Not to fear here’s my fav recipe:


1 large leaf of swiss chard

1 large leaf of kale

1/2 inch of ginger peeled and chopped

1 stick of celery

2 tbs of chia seeds

Handful of frozen pineapple chunks



BLEND in your nurtibullet (or whatever you have) and enjoy!

Starting your morning with some simple affirmations or things you are grateful for, really sets the tone for your day. I do mine in the shower or while I put on my makeup.


Afternoon: This is where most of us reach for a coffee or a candy bar, to boost our energy to make it through the day. DON’T DO IT!! Take 4 deep breaths, get up from your desk and walk around. Have an herbal tea. The best thing you can do is pack a nutritious lunch full of goodies that keep you performing at max capacity. Here is an example: Big salad.




Sunflower seeds

Half an avocado


1 small sweet potato (yes, in your salad)

Tempeh, chicken, or salmon (for you some protein)

Olive oil and balsamic


Bring your favorite fruit for a snack. Mine is an apple and I keep all natural peanut butter at my office, I party.


Evening: If you didn’t workout in the morning then this is the time to do it. Exercising each day keeps our energy levels high and contributes to a better night’s sleep. The body craves to be physically fit; it’s when it performs at its best. Try to see your “workout” as your “me time” this is where you can clear your head, get a little sweaty, and reap the benefits of feeling awesome for the rest of your day/night.


Dinner and late night snacking are where people really do themselves a disservice. For dinner eat as many vegetables as you like and a piece of lean protein. Depending on how fun you feel I’d add in a whole grain if you didn’t eat it with lunch (quinoa or millet are yummy, and a protein source).  This is a meal that closes out our day and nourishes us while we sleep, this is a sacred meal.


Steamed broccoli

Sautéed kale and onions

Quinoa and protein of your choice

Spinach salad with organic strawberries and balsamic with a few almonds

Bedtime: Do a little meditation and check in with yourself. Acknowledge your accomplishments for the day and appreciate yourself for your hard work. Too often we fall short in the category of self-love. You are awesome, you are amazing, you totally kick ass at your life so why are you not giving yourself the props you deserve? Love on yourself and give thanks for what you have right now, because it is all part of the journey to where you want to be later.